Users have different rights depending on the group(s) they are assigned to and the permissions these groups have been granted. In general, a user can only see services and contents for which he/she has been authorized.
A user can:
- change his/her " (address, telephone number, photo, password,...)
- order automatic e-mail notification about changes on the platform
- view content (The permission system controls who sees what.)
- create content (The permission system controls who is able to create content.)
- link pieces of content with each other
- change content (The permission system controls who is able to edit content.)
- delete content (The permission system controls who is able to delete content.)
- set permissions for new or edited content
- get into contact with other users (ping, chat…), if these services are activated

A user sees the groups the p-admin has defined and can decide which groups he/she would like to grant read/write permissions for his/her content. However, a user cannot add his/her own groups.